Category: Blog

How to Start Planning a Spring Renovation Project

The snow has melted and sunnier, warmer days are here. Which means it’s time to start planning for spring renovation projects. The best way to prepare if you are having any remodeling done to your home this year is to start brainstorming now. Here are some ways to get ready for a spring renovation project.  Plan the Design  One of 

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Home Improvement Wish List Item: Finished Basement 

One of the items on the many home improvement wish lists that create lasting value year round, is a basement renovation. When you turn an unfinished basement into a functional, livable space you expand your home’s valuable square footage and increase your quality of living. The project may seem like a huge undertaking, but how in-depth the renovation goes is 

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Is Your Home Losing Energy?

Is Your Home Losing Energy? Many Minneapolis homeowners feel that as long as their attic is properly insulated and gaps around windows and doors are filled in that their house is as energy-secure as it can be. Unfortunately for your utility bills, that statement couldn’t be further from the truth.  Make no mistake, it is incredibly important to have the 

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