Your Home and the Upcoming Winter

Despite the fact that we’re used to cold, snow, and ice here in Minnesota there’s always some concerns when it comes to our homes as winter approaches. There are many reasons why it’s important to prepare your home for winter including safety, energy efficiency, and to make sure your home is in tact when spring finally arrives after the chilly months. Here are the biggest home threats to prepare for as the temps continue to drop.

Snow and Ice Build-Up

One of the biggest places that snow and ice build-up is a threat to your home in the winter is on the roof. As more and more weight accumulates on the roof it can cause structure damage to the sheathing and trusses. Not only that, when the snow eventually does melt, it can leak into your home causing mold and stain issues. The best way to remedy this is clear snow off your roof on a regular basis and have snow guards installed on your metal roofs.

Energy Loss

Not necessarily a damage concern, but energy loss is a financial threat in the winter. In order to avoid heat loss (which results in your furnace working overtime) make sure all gaps are sealed up around windows and doors. We can perform a Minneapolis siding inspection to ensure it is in good condition and consider boosting the insulation in your attic and walls. Window replacements with a more energy efficient window can help reduce energy loss. 

Frozen Pipes

Prepare your home for winter by checking insulation levels. Insulation is not only needed in walls, but also around pipes as well. Pipes in basements, garages, and crawlspaces are especially susceptible to freezing and should be covered with an insulating tube.


When it gets cold outside, critters want to find a place to stay warm and that usually means your home. Rodents are a nuisance and can cause significant damage by laying nests in your walls, chewing on electrical wires, etc. Sealing up gaps around your home can help to keep mice and other rodents from trespassing. You should have tin installed where wood meets the concrete on your home as well. Finally, move firewood pallets and similar ‘rodent hotels’ farther away from your house if possible.

Furnace and Other Health Issues

It’s very important to have your furnace maintained before the winter season is in full swing. Also, since there’s going to be less ventilation with the house buttoned up, make sure to install carbon monoxide detectors to make sure breathing air is as pure as possible.
We’ve all been through these harsh winters before but it never hurts to have a quick reminder how to prepare your home for winter.
Contact us for a free insulation inspection, window inspection, or siding inspection. 612-333-SNAP (7627) or email